How Can I Customize My Blogger Template With My Own Headers?

How to Customize Your Blogger Template with Your Own Headers
If you are not too happy with the default header in Blogger, you now can make one for yourself. You can use image editing tools, Adobe Photoshop, MS paint, and lots more. You can change colour, width, height and arrange it according to your tastes.
Steps to follow while making your own header is listed below:
1. Sign in to your blogger’s account. .
2. Click on Layout and then Edit HTML.
3. Make sure that you have backup of all your blogs. You can do that by Downloading Full Template.
4. In the HTML template you have to look for the below mentioned code:
<div id=’header-wrapper’>
<b:section class=’header’ id=’header’ maxwidgets=’1′ showaddelement=’no’>
<b:widget id=’Header1′ locked=’true’ title=’Header (Header)’ type=’Header’/>
</b:section> </div>
5. Now here you have to make three changes and they are:
  • Change the value of maxwidgets to 2.
  • Change the value of showaddelements to yes.
  • Last but not the least, change the value of locked to false.
6. Now after you are done changing, go to Page Elements but remember to save the templates. In the header section you will find a new feature called ‘Add a Gadget’.
7. This feature will let you to change the header according to your wish, and you can design it as you want it.
8. You can also add a picture in header along with giving it the hyperlink to your Blog’s homepage. To do so you have to make some changes in HTML. First of all you have to upload the picture online using tinypic, imageshack, photobucket which allow you to post your images for free. Go to Add a Gadget and click on it, then in HTML/ JavaScript do the following:
  • Title field should be blank.
  • Put your blog address and link of your image in “your blog URL” and “link to you image” respectively. Don’t forget to save it.   For example, <a href=”YOUR-BLOG-URL”><img src=”LINK-TO-YOUR-IAMGE”></a>
  • To get rid of old header go to Edit and click on Remove
  • Now you have created your own Header for your blog

Download YouTube High Definition Video Clips Quickly

Download YouTube High Definition Video Clips Quickly
The world has become completely technology based, and so many services are hitting the market day by day. The YouTube video sharing website allows users to upload different kind of videos. The quality of videos was not so much good in earlier days when it started.


However, users demands high quality videos to enjoy their leisure time. Therefore YouTube has incorporated “Watch in High Quality” option on their website, so users can easily watch videos with high definition quality.
The quality of these high definition videos is absolutely superb as it provides 720 X 1280 pixels widescreen video clips. Watching high definition videos is really interesting and fun. However, there are few problems that always associated while you watch high definition video such as video streaming error. 
The most common problems are slow network connection or network congestion, noisy connection, slow computers, etc. It is quite obvious that these kinds of problems interrupt the continuity of watching videos. When you encounter this kind of problems you will be frustrated.
Now, you can easily get rid of these problems by downloading full HD videos from the internet. Once you download the full HD videos form the internet then you can easily watch them later without any interruption. All you need to download full HD movies in order to enjoy watching movie.  You can use different application to download full HD movies to watch it later.
If you do not want to install any application then there is an easy way to download full HD videos.  You need to add this following script in your web browser:
javascript:window.location.href = ‘’ + swfArgs['video_id'] + “&fmt=22″ + “&l=” + swfArgs['l'] + “&sk=” + swfArgs['sk'] + ‘&t=’ + swfArgs['t'];

So whenever you need to find out the HD labeled videos, just visit that particular website and add in your bookmark. You can add this bookmark in your web browser whether it is Firefox, Google Chrome, Internet explorer etc. Now you can save your selected video files in your hard disk.

How Java scripts works:
  1. Launch Firefox web browser.
  2. Navigate to Bookmarks at menu bar.
  3. Users can navigate to “Organize Bookmarks”, click on Organize>> New Bookmark.
  4. Users can also add Bookmark via navigating to “Organize Bookmarks”, after then click on “New Bookmark”.
  5. Users will get a message “New Bookmark” on Window screen where they need to add java script to Location. Additionally you need to enter specific name on the name box for example: Quick YouTube download.
  6. Now finally click on “Add” option in order to add bookmark.

Now users can easily find the HD labeled videos directly over the bookmark website. This given process is applicable for Internet Explorer and Google Chrome. By following these given steps users can easily add website in the bookmark folder. Users will get their favorite HD videos from there without any delay.

However this same method works for HQ (High quality) video with slight alternation in the above given java script as follows:
javascript:window.location.href = ‘’ + swfArgs['video_id'] + “&fmt=18″ + “&l=” + swfArgs['l'] + “&sk=” + swfArgs['sk'] + ‘&t=’ + swfArgs['t'];

How Can I Improve My Blog Rankings And Become A Better Blogger

Three Factors Can Make You a Better Blogger
Yes, it is as easy as it sounds. If you want to be a better blogger, if you want to achieve success through blogging, then you just need to follow the three words rule. These three words are like bible for the bloggers. So, if you really want to know these three words and be successful in making the blogs, then just keep on reading it.
Those three words are:
  • Relevant
  • Powerful
  • Inspiring
It might seem to be simple words with uncomplicated meaning but that is not true. In the blogging world, these three words have got the greatest importance. Let’s find out what it is all about.
1. While you are creating your Blogs, you will need to make sure that you focus completely on the niche you choose. If you waver away too much from your main topic, you might distort the readability and value of your Blog. Then their contents might not interest the readers, and you will see your Blog traffic thinning down or becoming scarce.
2. Each and every word that is used should be in its right place and must be used properly with meaningful purpose. Don’t just scribble anything that comes to your mind. In case of sensitive and volatile subject, you have to use various significant words that suit the accuracy of the sentence.
3. Last but not the least, here comes the most essential and the inspiring part. There are two different kinds of writers, one who is good and another, who is great. The only thing that differentiates them is their writing style.

To be honest, writing an inspiring article brings the about a world from a writer. If the reader moves on thinking that it was nice after reading your article then you are a good writer but if the reader actually does what you have asked them to do through your article then you are a great writer.
Try to follow these three simple words and write mind-blowing Blogs
Looking for work from home opportunity? Leave a comment and I’ll get back to you.

Code To Show Advertisements Only On Homepage Or On Particular Post Page

Displaying Different Ads on Homepage and Individual Blog Posts
Displaying similar ads on all pages including homepage results in reduced clicks and low CTR (tips to increase CTR). Low CTR definitely means less revenue generation through AdSense. It is a good idea to display different set of ads on different posts to keep the visitor hooked to your blogs. A user can easily display new ads on your homepage and individual posts on both blogger and WordPress blogs.
A user is required to use some Conditional Tags along with the advertisement code. A single condition tag can be used to display ads on your homepage only, and another tag can be used to display ads for all your posts. This allows showcasing different ads for homepage and your posts.
A square banner of size 336*280 and 300*250 can be used to display ads for your posts. If a user wishes to display different ads for every single post, they can do so by adding a new Condition tag.
Steps to display ads on your individual posts and homepage on blogger:
To display ads only on your homepage, change the ad code as follows:
<B:if.cond=’data:blog.pagetype !=&quot;item&quot;’> your advertisement code </B.if>
To display ads on your individual posts, change the ad code as follows:
<B:if.cond=’data:blog.pagetype ==&quot;item&quot;’> your advertisement code </B.if>
Steps to display ads on individual posts and homepage on wordpress blogs:
To display ads only on your homepage, change the ad code as follows:
<?Php if (is_home()).{ ?>
your advertisement code
<?Php “ ?>
To display ads on your individual posts, change the ad code as follows:
<?Php if (is_single()).{ ?>
your advertisement code
<?Php “ ?>
Substitute your advertisement code with your AdSense advertisement code. If a user wishes to display same advertisements in all pages including homepage, then a user will have to remove the condition tags.

Make Free Calls To Canada And USA

Free calls are considered to be a gimmick, as most of the online communication service provider’s end up asking credit card information.
Only a few occasional online sites that in reality render costless call to most of the countries. One among these rare online sites is Free Ringer.

Free Ringer is a free online calls service provider, which neither demands you any remuneration for your calls nor asks you to download any PC software’s to establish connections.
Free Ringer permits everybody to establish free online telephone connection’s not only to Canada and USA, but also to other 50 backed nations.
To establish free call service, an individual is required to open an account with Free Ringer and enable email verification. The entire procedure consumes lesser than 2 minutes.
Once the account is created an individual is asked to login with details and commence establishing free calls.
Simple steps to establish free online calls as follows:
  • First of all an individual is asked to login to their Free Ringer Account.
  • Once logged in they are required to dial the desired number, and wait till the online telephonic call is established to the respective number.
  • Once the call is connected a user gets a free 10 seconds to converse to the person amid user is required to inform receptor to call back on the same incoming number.
  • After completion of 10 free seconds, automatically telephonic conversation will be placed on hold. In the meantime Free Ringer notifies the receptor by sending an SMS to respective number to initiate the call.
  • Once receptor calls back on that number, Free Ringer will establish connection automatically amid both callers
  • Now, an individual can continue with their pleasant long lasting conversations.
The receptor calling the number back will cost them few nominal local call rates. Similarly an individual can establish Free ISD calls.

Free Japanese USA VPN Account To Play Games – Use It In China, India, Pakistan, Dubai, Bahrain, Just Anywhere !

Free Japanese USA VPN Account To Play Games – You can use it from anywhere in China, India, Europe, US, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Australia,Africa, Dubai, Bahrain, Pakistan – I’d say just name a place and you can use it from there!
To start with, those who have no idea what VPN is, please read this post – Virtual Private Network.
If you are wondering why you should have a VPN account, then listed below are some of the benefits of owning a VPN account:
* Security for Hotspot Wireless Access Users
* Home Internet Users – Cable and DSL providers are well known for not filtering their network from exploits!
* International Internet Users – Governments would like to prevent users from enjoying the Internet, with a USA IP there are no controls!
* Easy online ordering when you travel – Many order forms on the Internet will automatically block certain countries from even ordering.
* Bypass ISP Blocking for VOIP Applications like Skype
* Full anonymity by hiding your real IP.
* Unlike a proxy, you get secured connection for all programs you are using, (e.g ICQ, Email, FTP, News and anything that uses a Internet Connection)
* American Based Unique Personal Fixed USA & Euro IP’s
* Anonymous Internet Surfing
* Play any USA or Europe online games
* Bypass geographical blocks from certain websites
* Protection against your ISP
Now I assume that everyone here knows what VPN is, lets come to the sweeter part. All users who visit this blog often, now stand a chance to win a free account VPNTraffic – VPN Service providers from USA, JAPAN and many more places to be added, means, you can literally browse from a filtered network, just from anywhere !
We’ll be giving away 20 accounts from VPNTraffic via this post. Here’s the criteria for it:
1> If you are a blog owner, then write a post about this give-away contest and leave the link in the comments section. Please ensure, you write a meaningful post and not just one liner or a small paragraph.
2> If you do not own a blog, then leave a comment (a meaningful one, which can be selected), and I’ll pick 20 winners from the list later on. Write – where you are from, why do you want this account, how will you use this account, have you tried any other VPN service, and if you did what was the reason for you to give up with them.
Again, here let me emphasize that quality of comment matters, as I’ll out rightly delete the comments that do not meet quality standards, and being a chief editor on this blog, trust me I have to rights to do so ;) .
Now get your gears on, go on comment, and win Free VPN accounts to Play games, work from office, or do something more productive ;)
Visit [ ]

Top 10 Gtalk Tricks that Everybody Must Know

Amongst the various Google talk tips and Tricks available, there are certain that everybody must know. Compiling here, top 10 tricks that lets you make most of Gtalk:
1. Use Gtalk in Your Mobile
Do you know, you can even use Google talk in your mobile phone and stay connected with your friends on the go? Theofficial Google software for chatting with your friends works with only iPhone and Android. There is another way to use Gtalk by use of SIS or JAR software for generic phones. You can download this J2ME client here.
2. Exploit Keyboard Shortcuts to Save Time
Using keyboard shortcuts is the great way to maximize your productivity. You save your time by doing variety of functions without even touching mouse  just by pressing few buttons.
The following keyboard shortcuts are must for any Gtalk addict:
• Ctrl + E – It centralizes the selected text, or the current line.
• Ctrl + R – It justifies to the right the selected text, or the current line.
• Ctrl + L – It justifies to the left the selected text, or the current line.
• Ctrl + I – The same thing does that Tab.
• Tab – It is giving the area to each of the windows opened by Google Talk.
• Ctrl + Tab – The same thing does that Shift + Tab .
• Shift + Tab – The same thing does that Tab but in reverse.
• Ctrl + Shift + L -Switch between points, numbers, letters, capital letters, roman numbers and capital roman numbers
• Ctrl + 1 (KeyPad) – It does a simple space between the lines.
• Ctrl + 2 (KeyPad) – It does a double space between the lines.
• Ctrl + 5 (KeyPad) – A space does 1.5 between the lines.
• Ctrl + 1 (NumPad) – It goes at the end of the last line.
• Ctrl + 7 (NumPad) – It goes at the begin of the last line.
• Ctrl + F4 – It closes the current window.
• Alt + F4 – It closes the current window.
• Alt + Esc – It Minimize all the windows.
• Windows + ESC – Open Google Talk (if it’s minimized, or in the tray)
• F9 – Open Gmail to send an email to the current contact.
• F11 – It initiates a telephonic call with your friend.
• F12 – It cancels a telephonic call.
• Esc – It closes the current window.
3. Hide your Gtalk Status – Make it Always Idle
The best way to keep unwanted friends away is to be invisible or keeping our status idle.Google talk has no provision of invisible status(however you can always choose invisible status in gmail embedded chat)

Idle status in gtalk means you aren’t using the feature for last 15 minutes.Being idle is more advantageous than it may seem. You can always make excuses to your colleagues. Didn’t you saw the idle status – I was having lunch, I was watching movie, – I was not in my chair, – My brother was playing some stupid game etc.
So far as many people know, you can’t make your status idle. Its an automatic update which ticks after 15 minutes of inactivity.
gAlwaysIdle is a small application which gets integrated with gtalk and forcibly sets your status to idle.
gAlwaysIdle is solution for your dilemma. Now chat with whom you initiate and remain idle to all others.
4. Dress Your Gtalk Application with Additional Themes
Steps to install downloaded Gtalk skins of your choice :
1) Get latest version of google talk.
2) Move to the folder :
For XP:
C:/Documents and Settings/[your user name]/Local Settings/Application Data/Google/Google Talk/themes/user/chat/ * you might need to create chat folder manually.
For Vista :
C:\Users\[your user name]\AppData\Local\Google\Google Talk\themes
3) Extract the downloaded theme in above mentioned folder
4) Activate the theme from settings > Appearance.
gtalk theme

5. Make Your Chatting More Interesting by Text Decorations
Most instant messengers are very user friendly. They have a toolbar to format your text into different fonts, colors and sizes. You can also convert your important text into bold, italicized or underlined.
Google talk provides some basic features but unexpectedly few things are hidden. I have already told you about hidden emoticons (smileys) in Gtalk and now I will tell you about hidden text formatting techniques in Gtalk.

This feature can be used in both google talk and Gmail embedded chat.

- To type your message in bold, encapsulate it in asterisks (*).
Text before :
google talk trickText after :
google talk hacks
- To italicize any word, write it between two underscores (_).
Text before :
google talk tweaksText after :
gtalk new feature
- Use combination of asterisk(*) and underscore(_) to create a dual bold italicized effect.
Text before :

Text after :

6. Have Two or More Gtalk Running at Same Time.
If you have two or more Google accounts, and want to use both at same time for chatting with friends, then this is the perfect trick for you. With this trick, you can run multiple copies of Google Talk application in you Windows.
All you need to do is to right click on Google talk shortcut and select Properties. In the target field append the parameter /nomutex so that it becomes like C:/Program Files/Google/Google Talk.exe /nomutex. It’s done. Now whenever you double click on Google Talk Desktop icon, it opens a new instance for a new Google account.
7. Use Gtalk Bots to Make Your Life Easier
Google bots are automated robots that respond to your queries. For example, or the news bot will fetch you latest news on your preferred subject inside Gtalk window and the translation bot automatically converts the text to the specified language you have send. Following are few Gtalk bots to make life easier :
8. Amaze Your Friends with Hidden and Secret Set of Emoticons/Smileys
Google is again playing hide and seek with gtalk emoticons. Last time, I gave you list for Google Talk Secret Emoticons but that was some 8 months ago. Since then, there have been many changes in the system but still few emoticons remains undocumented.
Important Update: More secret emoticon can be found by incrementing the end number by this URL – – – –
And the list goes on …
Here’s a list of utterly new emoticons/smileys:
Type this










Equal sad

Equal sad

Equal sad

Equal slant

Equal slant

Equal slant

Equal tongue

Equal tongue

Equal tongue

Nose sad

Nose sad

Nose sad







Nose tongue

Nose tongue

Nose tongue



Broken Heart

Broken Heart

Broken Heart










Beneath are emoticons from my previous post. For reference I am again displaying them here.

Type this




It’s a monkey!

It’s a monkey!

It’s a monkey!

Rock out.

Rock out.

Rock out.



















Equal Grin

Equal Grin

Equal Grin




Straight Face

Straight Face

Straight Face

Equal Smile

Equal Smile

Equal Smile

Nose Grin

Nose Grin

Nose Grin

Big nose wink

Big nose wink

Big nose wink

Nose wink

Nose wink

Nose wink

Nose smile

Nose smile

Nose smile







Remember that these secret emoticons works for only following flavors of gtalk:
1) Google talk gadget
2) Gmail integrated chat application
3) Google talk labs edition
You can select either of three Classic, Round or Square shape of the emoticon by clicking the blue smiley-face button at the right side of the text-entry field and selecting the appropriate shape. If you move mouse arrow over them, they again re-animate to create lovely effect.
Update 1: Our loyal reader Jared has left a comment notifying about awesome robot emoticon. Try it out with [:|] robot
Update 2: An Annonymous reader has left a comment with another secret smiley to express something really bad i.e. poo . Try it out with ~@~ poop
9. Direct Shortcut to Chat
If you frequently chat with particular friends in Gtalk, then you can create direct shortcuts to chat window to start conversation. This is the quickest and direct way to start a chat with friend.
For this, right click on your desktop and select New > Shortcut. Now add the following line in the location of the item :
Where username@gmail should be replaced by your friends gmail address.
10. Use Google Talk without Downloading and Installing
You can use and enjoy all the features of Google talk without even downloading and installing it on your computer. For this bookmark in your internet browser. Using this bookmark, you can directly launch Google talk in gadget mode.

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