Code To Show Advertisements Only On Homepage Or On Particular Post Page

Displaying Different Ads on Homepage and Individual Blog Posts
Displaying similar ads on all pages including homepage results in reduced clicks and low CTR (tips to increase CTR). Low CTR definitely means less revenue generation through AdSense. It is a good idea to display different set of ads on different posts to keep the visitor hooked to your blogs. A user can easily display new ads on your homepage and individual posts on both blogger and WordPress blogs.
A user is required to use some Conditional Tags along with the advertisement code. A single condition tag can be used to display ads on your homepage only, and another tag can be used to display ads for all your posts. This allows showcasing different ads for homepage and your posts.
A square banner of size 336*280 and 300*250 can be used to display ads for your posts. If a user wishes to display different ads for every single post, they can do so by adding a new Condition tag.
Steps to display ads on your individual posts and homepage on blogger:
To display ads only on your homepage, change the ad code as follows:
<B:if.cond=’data:blog.pagetype !=&quot;item&quot;’> your advertisement code </B.if>
To display ads on your individual posts, change the ad code as follows:
<B:if.cond=’data:blog.pagetype ==&quot;item&quot;’> your advertisement code </B.if>
Steps to display ads on individual posts and homepage on wordpress blogs:
To display ads only on your homepage, change the ad code as follows:
<?Php if (is_home()).{ ?>
your advertisement code
<?Php “ ?>
To display ads on your individual posts, change the ad code as follows:
<?Php if (is_single()).{ ?>
your advertisement code
<?Php “ ?>
Substitute your advertisement code with your AdSense advertisement code. If a user wishes to display same advertisements in all pages including homepage, then a user will have to remove the condition tags.


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